The 2023 All-LeagueFits Awards Show

Step into the world of style as we take you behind the scenes of the highly anticipated 2023 All-LeagueFits Teams awards ceremony. Join us as we highlight the most stylish and fashion-forward NBA players of the season.

The Talent

The Talent

Ian Pierno

As LeagueFits Creative Director, Ian Pierno has his finger on the pulse of all things NBA fashion. In addition to heading up all LeagueFits events and projects, Pierno has styled photo shoots, produced content, and curated some of your favorite looks in the tunnel last season.

- “THe first time I dunked I was in jeans... I remember my 501s!”

The Talent

Lance Fresh

Lance Fresh is a producer, stylist and creative executive who has spent more than a decade solidifying himself as one of the leading pillars and personalities in the NBA lifestyle and culture space.

- “When I see him, I think of Zoolander!”

The Talent

Sydney Bordonaro

Sydney Bordonaro, a former hooper and current WNBA fashion whisperer, is the  mastermind behind some of the most iconic fits in the world’s most stylish league.

- “That's Fashion, You dress how you feel!”

The Talent

Joe Williams

Former SLAM magazine intern turned Co-LeagueFits Creative Producer Joe Williams has seen, posted and discussed any and everything NBA fashion via LeagueFits’ “Survival of the Fitted” podcast.

- “Back IN Middle school, I had my lucky pair of Levi's... I don't even know if I washed them!”